Media Giants - BBC, CNN, HBO, and MTV
The media giants since times immemorial are BBC [British Broadcast Corporation], CNN [Cable News Network], M-TV [Music Television], and HBO [Home Box Office].
BBC World is the trusted name that the world looks up to when world news is concerned. This 24/7 network broadcasts news throughout the world from its base in London. BBC serves the biggest continents, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the rest. BBC caters to more than 200 million homes, covering almost 210 nations. It has the world's first all-digital newsroom providing news throughout the day. Apart from latest news developments, sports, weather, documentary style programmes (which is the Nat Geo kind) and lifestyle news are aired.
MTV which is the household name among youths round the globe was launched in 1981. MTV is possibly the biggest network at present in terms of the number of viewers with a tad less than 400 million tuning in to MTV. The channel/network targets the youth (children, teens, young adults, adults). VH1, a MTV product reaches 100 million homes. As the name suggests, it is a music based network, and all possible types/genres of music are put on air, which includes Spanish, R&B, Classics, Soul, Indian, and Bollywood/Hollywood tracks.
Songs from music albums are aired big time on MTV. MTV has almost a score websites. MTV is categorized according to regions, on a large scale. MTV-Asia, MTV-Australia, MTV-Europe, MTV-America, MTV-Russia are the major children of MTV Network. These often were further split to adhere to countries individually. MTV-India for example was given birth to by MTV-Asia. MTV plays music of all kinds, talk shows specially meant for youngsters, reality shows and youth oriented programmes, news, etc.
Cable News Network, commonly referred to as CNN, is the world's most trusted news channel, founded by Ted Turner. CNN is the first channel of its kind, and the first all-news TV network in the States. Its headquarters are at Atlanta and New York city and its studios are located primarily in Los Angeles and Washington DC. CNN reaches 212 countries and few hundred million households. In mid 1995 CNN dedicated a website,, which claimed popularity ever since its proclamation. In 2009, ranked 3rd in rankings for global news websites in terms of the number of hits to the site. was a spot ahead of CNN international, the parent channel has over 4000 trained media professionals working round the clock.
HBO, the short form for Home Box Office, broadcasts itself to 150 countries and is almost the most watched channel when it comes to movie entertainment. HBO is widely categorized into HBO Asia, HBO Brazil, HBO Korea, HBO India, HBO Latin America, etc. HBO has aired and airs extremely popular and award winning series. One of such many shows is 'Sex and the City', which has 3 Emmys under the belt. HBO has almost 40 million subscribers in the US. HBO is a part of Time Warner.
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