John Cusack Vs Swiftboat Inc
Cue testosterone-jacked announcer voice:
In a world where independent studios crash and burn like killer meteors, and distributors drown in a Tsunami of credit-card-financed dreck, where comedies suffocate you with scat jokes and tubby actors dangle their digglers in your face; there comes a man -- one man who will stand up, who will put his StarMeter on the line, who will hold his boom box above his head and shout out to the world: "Hey, man. Go see my film."
And you should go see War, Inc. A dead-on droll comic performance by John riffing with sister Joan sets the tone. He is ably supported by Marisa Tomei, Ben Kingsley and a surprisingly wacky Dan Aykroyd. And if this wasn't enough Hilary Duff heats up the screen with her star turn as Yonica Babyyeah.
I'm not gonna go all lefty on you, but truly, "In a world" where it is tougher and tougher to get anything made, War. Inc. is that rare animal that uses humor to take on a very dark, very adult subject. And if it wasn't already hard enough to get such a film out, the Neo-Con attack machine - including those who created "Swift Boating" as campaign sport - is coming after Johnny. These guys are in full Cujo froth, which tells me you can criticize the war, but don't you dare criticize my profits.
Get the whole story from Larisa Alexandrovna at the Huffington Post. She helpfully includes a list of the theatres where War, Inc. is playing:
Meanwhile, I'm voting with my $10 at the movies.
William L. Graham is an Emmy Nominated filmmaker living in Los Angeles. He is the co-founder of Find the Funny Wire, an aggrevator of news and nonsense from the world of comedy film making. He blogs at GUFFAW on the subject of independent comedy films.