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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Making TV Shows That Make a Difference

What would you be looking to do if you were looking into making TV Shows that really make a difference for you and/or for someone else? What type/types of programming would you come up with? Who would be your target audience? All of these are pretty good questions to think about. When you are looking for TV Shows that seriously make a difference in your life you have a lot of choices. The biggest thing to think about is the total impact of the show that you are making.

Which TV Shows made/make the most impact on you? There are plenty of TV Shows out there that really have no value whatsoever, so people feel anyway, to the general population. There are also programs on over-the-air broadcast and cable/satellite TV that really have made a difference to someone. What about the shows on channels such as National Geographic, The Science Channel and Discovery that inspire a child or young adult to become an archeologist? What about medical shows such as the recent "The Dr. Oz Show" that are making a positive impact on people?

The Host of the show, Dr. Mehmet Oz, is a Cardiac Surgeon at New York Presbyterian Hospital. That show and his down-to-earth yet No-Nonsense way of hosting has made a great deal of difference to viewers. Dr. Oz does one of the few Medical "Talk" TV Shows that really touches a nerve. A recent episode showed Dr. Oz's own Colonoscopy exam and the surprising results that Dr. Oz got from his colleague Dr. Jon LaPook. Dr. LaPook told Dr. Oz that they had found Pre-Cancerous polyp in the biopsy that was done as part of the exam. This took Dr. Oz by surprise as a physician. He has been warning people for decades and did not see this coming for himself.

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