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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

TV on Internet is Like Water in the Ocean

TV on the Internet is nowadays, like water in the ocean. It is indeed such a natural concept and technological achievement that some of the most influential media in the word are finally joining forces together, providing content and opportunities that where simply unthinkable only a decade ago.

Of course, the speed of the connections, the more powerful computers and the larger amount of money spent on per click advertising, made all of this possible and happening so fast. Today, some people don't even watch TV anymore. As some of their favorite TV shows are already available online, put there by the same broadcast channels. This gives a much bigger flexibility in choosing the perfect time to watch a particular show, without having to worry about running home or record it. Of course, the amount of advertising that breaks the content flow is dramatically reduced, bringing a much more relaxed and pleasant view.

TV on Internet makes so much sense that computers and TV sets are more and more compatible and often interchangeable. Almost as there were only one sole medium. TV on the Internet is making all of this happening and in the years to come, we will be able to take full advantage of such interaction. The easiness of using together TV and online based features goes beyond simply watching a TV show on a computer screen, it is indeed a true technological revolution of the new millennium. So, don't be afraid to experiment, log in and look for your TV Channel.