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Friday, May 16, 2008

Does Julia Roberts Smell?

To be honest, I have no idea if Julia Roberts smells or not, but I do know that she doesn't wear deodorant.

How do I know this?

Because she told us all on the Oprah Winfey Show!

She claimed it was no the sort of thing she told everyone about, which doesn't quite ring true when you say it on the highest rated talk show in US TV history.

It's a bite of personal information I could have done without, I'll never look at a picture of her the same again!

Critics might say she's made some stinker movies too.Personally I like her stuff.

It was Pretty Woman that launched her into the big league, a comedy rom-com, and she starred with Richard Gere again in Runaway Bride, which tried to cash in on their chemistry.That got the critics shouting 'sell out', but it was nevertheless a well made feelgood film.

She showed the she could do thriller with Sleeping With the Enemy opposite Patrick Bergen, and in Erin Brokovich she showed a serious side in the true story, picking up a leading lady Oscar for her work.

Notting Hill is another hugely popular film of hers, another cash in type movie, but this time not from one of her previous films.

This time it was the Four Weddings and A Funeral film with Hugh Grant that was the clear template.

The remake of Ocean's 11 led to the sequel Ocean's 12, and her continued position at the top of the cinema tree.