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Friday, May 16, 2008

Dangers Of HFCS

If you liked "Supersize Me" and "Fast Food Nation" then you will love "King Corn". Directed by Aaron Woolf, this documentary follows the journey of corn from kernel to corn syrup. It examines America's health as it spirals downward and how the end product of this unassuming vegetable is in virtually everything Americans consume. Co-Producers Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis discuss how corn fuels the majority of products consumed by Americans today. From products that are considered 'healthy" like breakfast cereals and whole wheat breads to not surprising, soft drinks and candy bars.

In this eye opening documentary the duo moves to the Midwest and plants and grows an acre of corn; the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation. With the help of a kind farmer willing to loan them an acre along with nitrogen fertilizers and herbicides, the corn that is produced from their single acre is enough to sweeten 57,000 cans of soda. Which sad but true, is only enough to feed 63 American teenagers in one year's time.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the biggest contributors to obesity in the United States not to mention countless other diseases. So the question is this - How do you fight with a multi-billion dollar industry with a driving force the size of King Kong?. You do so one step at a time.

King Corn is a must see for anyone who wants to uncover the truth behind what's driving America's food industry. I hope it becomes a catalyst for change in this country. Its a battle that in my opinion must be fought.