Monsterquest - The Fascinating World of Cryptozoology
Monsterquest is an exciting new program on the History Channel that examines the fascinating world of Cryptozoology. This is the scientific study of hidden and unknown animals. There are a surprising number of sightings of these legendary beasts all over the world, some seem to be genuine others mere fakes. It is the Monsterquest team's job to investigate these sightings and if possible capture the creature on tape for themselves. Each show features one of these legendary beasts. It is a very popular show.
Several noteworthy creatures have been investigated by Monsterquest with varying results. One of them is the famed Loch Ness Monster or "Lochie" as it is called by the locals. This dinosaur like creature supposedly lives in a large deep lake in Scotland called Loch Ness. It is one of the deepest lakes in the country and dates back to Prehistoric times. It is thought to be some sort of Sea Serpent of quite large proportions. One of the fun parts of the mystery of the Loch Ness monster is how a creature that is so large can sustain itself in the Lake. Another question is just how it got there.
A similar creature has been sighted in LakeOkanagan, in British Columbia Canada. It is called the Ogopogo. It supposedly has several humps rather than a long neck like the Loch Ness Monster. Another creature, which is quite similar to these two, has been sighted in Lake Champion USA. It is known by the locals as "Champ." This phenomenon has also been investigated by Monsterquest, in an effort to find out whether the sightings are true and what exactly the creature could be. Again its origins are a mystery but it seems to be an ancient form of life.
Recently Monsterquest did an episode on the Chupacabra. A sinister creature called the Chupacabra, or Chubacabra, meaning "goat sucker" in Spanish, was initially seen in 1995 in Puerto Rico. It preyed on a number of farm animals, sucking their blood and causing their deaths. Supposed witnesses of the beast describe it as a two legged reptile with sharp claws and fangs. A predator of this nature was also seen in Texas in 2007. However the creature did not seem to look the same. Monsterquest investigated both Texas and Puerto Rico to dig for the truth.
Big Foot or Sasquatch, as it is sometimes called, is a large ape like creature, covered with hair and has been sighted in remote parts of the USA. This is one of the creatures that Monsterquest has investigated. It has received widespread notoriety in the States giving rise to all sorts of speculations and even some fake pictures and evidence. The American Indians have many stories about this "hairy man" and also claim that there is evidence of such a creature in the cave paintings. As well as photos of the supposed beast there are also huge footprints, some of which are obvious fakes, but others could be true.
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